2015 ሴፕቴምበር 21, ሰኞ

Life Without Principle !

["Life Without Principle" was first published post-
humously in the Atlantic Monthly in 1863. The en
tire essay follows.}


AT A lyceum, not long since, I felt that the lecturer had chosen
a theme too foreign to himself, and so failed to interest me
as much as he might have done. He described things not in or
near to his heart, but toward his extremities and superficies.
There was, in this sense, no truly central or centralizing
thought in the lecture. I would have had him deal with his
privatest experience, as the poet does. The greatest compli-
ment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what
I thought, and attended to my answer. I am surprised, as
well as delighted, when this happens, it is such a rare use he
would make of me, as if he were acquainted with the tool.
Commonly, if men want anything of me, it is only to know
how many acres I make of their land, since I am a surveyor
or, at most, what trivial news I have burdened myself with.
They never will go to law for my meat ; they prefer the shell.
A man once came a considerable distance to ask me to lecture
on Slavery; but on conversing with him, I found that he and
his clique expected seven eighths of the lecture to be theirs,
and only one eighth mine; so I declined. I take it for granted,
when I am invited to lecture anywhere, for I have had a
little experience in that business, that there is a desire to
hear what / think on some subject, though I may be the great-
est fool in the country, and not that I should say pleasant
things merely, or such as the audience will assent to; and I
resolve, accordingly, that I will give them a strong dose of
myself. They have sent for me, and engaged to pay for me,
and I am determined that they shall have me, though I bore
them beyond all precedent.

So now I would say something similar to you, my readers-



Since you are my readers, and I have not been much of a
traveler, I will not talk about people a thousand miles off, but
come as near home as I can. As the time is short, I will leave
out all the flattery, and retain all the criticism.

Let us consider the way in which we spend our lives.

This world is a place of business. What an infinite bustle!
f am awaked almost every night by the panting of the locomo-
tive. It interrupts my dreams. There is no sabbath. It would
be glorious to see mankind at leisure for once. It is nothing
but work, work, work. I cannot easily buy a blank-book to
write thoughts in; they are commonly ruled for dollars and
cents. An Irishman, seeing me making a minute in the fields,
took it for granted that I was calculating my wages. If a man
was tossed out of a window when an infant, and so made a
cripple for life, or scared out of his wits by the Indians, it
is regretted chiefly because he was thus incapacitated for
business! I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more
opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself, than this
incessant business.

There is a coarse and boisterous money-making fellow in
the outskirts of our town, who is going to build a bank-wall
under the hill along the edge of his meadow. The powers have
put this into his head to keep him out of mischief, and he
wishes me to spend three weeks digging there with him. The
result will be that he will perhaps get some more money to
hoard, and leave for his heirs to spend foolishly. If I do
this, most will commend me as an industrious and hard-
working man; but if I choose to devote myself to certain
labors which yield more real profit, though but little money,
they may be inclined to look on me as an idler. Nevertheless,
as I do not need the police of meaningless labor to regulate
me, and do not see anything absolutely praiseworthy in this
fellow's undertaking any more than in many an enterprise
of our own or foreign governments, however amusing it may
be to him or them, I prefer to finish my education at a differ-
ent school.


day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer ; but if he
spends his whole day as a speculator, shearing off those woods
and making earth bald before her time, he is esteemed an
industrious and enterprising citizen. As if a town had no
interest in its forests but to cut them down !
Most men would feel insulted if it were proposed to em-
ploy them in throwing stones over a wall, and then in throw-
ing them back, merely that they might earn their wages. But
many are no more worthily employed now. For instance: just
after sunrise, one summer morning, I noticed one of my
neighbors walking beside his team, which was slowly drawing
a heavy hewn stone swung under the axle, surrounded by
an atmosphere of industry, his day's work begun, his brow
commenced to sweat, a reproach to all sluggards and idlers,
pausing abreast the shoulders of his oxen, and half turn-
ing round with a flourish of his merciful whip, while they
gained their length on him. And I thought, Such is the labor
which the American Congress exists to protect, honest,
manly toil, honest as the day is long, that makes his bread
taste sweet, and keeps society sweet, which all men respect
and have consecrated; one of the sacred band, doing the need-
ful but irksome drudgery. Indeed, I felt a slight reproach, be-
cause I observed this from a window, and was not abroad and
stirring about a similar business. The day went by, and at
evening I passed the yard of another neighbor, who keeps
many servants, and spends much money foolishly, while he
adds nothing to the common stock, and there I saw the stone of
the morning lying beside a whimsical structure intended to
adorn this Lord Timothy Dexter's premises, and the dignity
forthwith departed from the teamster's labor, in my eyes,
In my opinion, the sun was made to light worthier toil than
this. I may add that his employer has since run off, in debt
to a good part of the town, and, after passing through Chan-
cery, has settled somewhere else, there to become once more
a patron of the arts.


The ways by which you may get money almost without
exception lead downward. To have done anything by which
you earned money merely is to have been truly idle or worse.
If the laborer gets no more than the wages which his employer
pays him, he is cheated, he cheats himself. If you would get
money as a writer or lecturer, you must be popular, which is
to go down perpendicularly. Those services which the com-
munity will most readily pay for, it is most disagreeable to
render. You are paid for being something less than a man. The
State does not commonly reward a genius any more wisely.
Even the poet-laureate would rather not have to celebrate
the accidents of royalty. He must be bribed with a pipe of
wine; and perhaps another poet is called away from his muse
to gauge that very pipe. As for my own business, even that
kind of surveying which I could do with most satisfaction my
employers do not want. They would prefer that I should do
my work coarsely and not too well, ay, not well enough. When
I observe that there are different ways of surveying, my em-
ployer commonly asks which will give him the most land, not
which is most correct. I once invented a rule for measuring
cord-wood, and tried to introduce it in Boston ; but the meas-
urer there told me that the sellers did not wish to have their
wood measured correctly, that he was already too accurate
for them, and therefore they commonly got their wood meas-
ured in Charlestown before crossing the bridge.

The aim of the laborer should be, not to get his living, to
get "a good job/' but to perform well a certain work; and,
even in a pecuniary sense, it would be economy for a town to
pay its laborers so well that they would not feel that they
were working for low ends, as for a livelihood merely, but for
scientific, or even moral ends. Do not hire a man who does
your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.

It is remarkable that there are few men so well employed,
so much to their minds, but that a little money or fame would
commonly buy them off from their present pursuit. I see ad-
vertisements for active young men, as if activity were the


whole of a young man's capital. Yet I have been surprised
when one has with confidence proposed to me, a grown man,
to embark in some enterprise of his, as if I had absolutely
nothing to do, my life having been a complete failure hitherto,
What a doubtful compliment this to pay me! As if he had
met me halfway across the ocean beating up against the wind,
but bound nowhere, and proposed to me to go along with
him! If I did, what do you think the underwriters would say?
No, no! I am not without employment at this stage of the
voyage. To tell the truth, I saw an advertisement for able-
bodied seamen, when I was a boy, sauntering in my native
port, and as soon as I came of age I embarked.

The community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man.
You may raise money enough to tunnel a mountain, but you
cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding
his awn business. An efficient and valuable man does what he
can, whether the community pay him for it or not. The in-
efficient offer their inefficiency to the highest bidder, and are
forever expecting to be put into office. One would suppose
that they were rarely disappointed.

Perhaps I am more than usually jealous with respect to my
freedom. I feel that my connection with and obligation to
society are still very slight and transient. Those slight labors
which afford me a livelihood, and by which it is allowed that
I am to some extent serviceable to my contemporaries, are
as yet commonly a pleasure to me, and I am not often re-
minded that they are a necessity. So far I am successful.
But I foresee that if my wants should be much increased, the
labor required to supply them would become a drudgery. If
I should sell both my forenoons and afternoons to society, as
most appear to do, I am sure that for me there would be noth-
ing left worth living for. I trust that I shall never thus sell
my birthright for a mess pf.pptt^ge. I wi$h to suggest that &
man may be very industrious, and yet not spend his time welL
There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the
greater part of his life getting his living. All great enterprises


are self-supporting. The poet, for instance, must sustain his
body by his poetry, as a steam planing-mill feeds its boilers
with the shavings it makes. You must get your living by lov-
ing. But as it is said of the merchants that ninety-seven in a
hundred fail, so the life of men generally, tried by this stand-
ard, is a failure, and bankruptcy may be surely prophesied.

Merely to come into the world the heir of a fortune is not
cO be born, but to be still-born, rather. To be supported by
fie charity of friends, or a government-pension, provided
you continue to breathe, by whatever fine synonyms you de-
scribe these relations, is to go into the almshouse. On Sun-
days the poor debtor goes to church to take an account of
stock, and finds, of course, that his outgoes have been greater
than his income. In the Catholic Church, especially, they go
into Chancery, make a clean confession, give up all, and think
to start again. Thus men will lie on their backs, talking about
the fall of man, and never make an effort to get up.

As for the comparative demand which men make on life, it
is an important difference between two, that the one is satis-
fied with a level success, that his marks can all be hit by point-
blank shots, but the other, however lew and unsuccessful his
life may be, constantly elevates his aim, though at a very
slight angle to the horizon. I should much rather be the last
man, though, as the Orientals say, "Greatness doth not ap-
proach him who is forever looking down; and all those who
are looking high are growing poor/'

It is remarkable that there is little or nothing to be remem-
oered written on the subject of getting a living; how to make
getting a living not merely honest and honorable, but alto-
gether inviting and glorious; for if getting a living is not so,
then living is not. One would think, from looking at liter-
ature, that this question had never disturbed a solitary indi-
vidual's musings. Is it that men are too much disgusted with
their experience to speak of it? The lesson of value which
money teaches, which the Author of the Universe has taken
so much pains to teach us, we are inclined to skip altogether.


As for the means of living, it is wonderful how indifferent men
of all classes are about it, even reformers, so called, whether
they inherit, or earn, or steal it. I think that Society has done
nothing for us in this respect, or at least has undone what
she has done. Cold and hunger seem more friendly to my
nature than those methods which men have adopted and
advise to ward them off.

The title wise is, for the most part, falsely applied. How
can one be a wise man, if he does not know any better how
to live than other men? if he is only more cunning and
intellectually subtle? Does Wisdom work in a treadmill? or
does she teach how to succeed by her example? Is there any
such thing as wisdom not applied to life? Is she merely the
miller who grinds the finest logic? It is pertinent to ask if
Plato got his living in a better way or more successfully than
his contemporaries, or did he succumb to the difficulties of
life like other men? Did he seem to prevail over some of them
merely by indifference, or by assuming grand airs? or find it
easier to live, because his aunt remembered him in her will?
The ways in which most men get their living, that is, live,
are mere make-shifts, and a shirking of the real business of
life, chiefly because they do not know, but partly because
they do not mean, any better.

The rush to California, for instance, and the attitude, not
merely of merchants, but of philosophers and prophets, so
called, in relation to it, reflect the greatest disgrace on man-
kind. That so many are ready to live by luck, and so get the
means of commanding the labor of others less lucky, without
contributing any value to society! And that is called enter-
prise! I know of no more startling development of the immor-
tality of trade, and all the common modes of getting a living.
The philosophy and poetry and religion of such a mankind
are not worth the dust of a puff-ball. The hog that gets his liv-
ing by rooting, stirring up the soil so, would be ashamed of
such company. If I could command the wealth of all the
worlds by lifting my finger, I would not pay such a price for

it. Even Mahomet knew that God did not make this world
in jest. It makes God to be a moneyed gentleman who scat-
ters a handful of pennies in order to see mankind scramble
for them. The world's raffle! A subsistence in the domains of
Nature a thing to be raffled for! What a comment, what a
satire, on our institutions! The conclusion will be, that man-
kind will hang itself upon a tree. And have all the precepts in
all the Bibles taught men only this? and is the last and most
admirable invention of the human race only an improved
muck-rake? Is this the ground on which Orientals and Occi-
dentals meet? Did God direct us so to get our living, digging
where we never planted, and He would, perchance, reward
us with lumps of gold?

God gave the righteous man a certificate entitling him
to food and raiment, but the unrighteous man found a fac-
simile of the same in God's coffers, and appropriated it, and
obtained food and raiment like the former. It is one of the
most extensive systems of counterfeiting that the world has
seen. I did not know that mankind were suffering for want
of gold. I have seen a little of it. I know that it is very malle-
able, but not so malleable as wit. A grain of gold will gild a
great surface, but not so much as a grain of wisdom.

The gold-digger in the ravines of the mountains is as much,
a gambler as his fellow in the saloons of San Francisco. What
difference does it make whether you shake dirt or shake dice?
If you win, society is the loser. The gold-digger is the enemy
of the honest laborer, whatever checks and compensations
there may be. It is not enough to tell me that you worked
hard to get your gold. So does the Devil work hard. The
way of transgressors may be hard in many respects. The
humblest observer who goes to the mines sees and says
that gold-digging is of the character of a lottery; the gold
thus obtained is not the same thing with the wages of honest
toil. But, practically, he iorgets what he has seen, for he has
seen only the fact, not the principle, and goes into trade there,


that is, buys a ticket in what commonly proves another lot-
tery, where the fact is not so obvious.

After reading Howitt's account of the Australian gold-
diggings one evening, I had in my mind's eye, all night, the
numerous valleys, with their streams, all cut up with foul '
pits, from ten to one hundred feet deep, and half a dozen feet
across, as close as they can be dug, and partly filled with
water, the locality to which men furiously rush to probe
for their fortunes, uncertain where they shall break ground,
not knowing but the gold is under their camp itself, some-
times digging one hundred and sixty feet before they strike
the vein, or then missing it by a foot, turned into demons,
and regardless of each others' rights, in their thirst for riches,
whole valleys, for thirty miles, suddenly honeycombed by
the pits of the miners, so that even hundreds are drowned
in them, standing in water, and covered with mud and
clay, they work night and day, dying of exposure and dis-
ease. Having read this, and partly forgotten it, I was think-
ing, accidentally, of my own unsatisfactory life, doing as
others do; and with that vision of the diggings still before
me, I asked myself why / might not be washing some gold
daily, though it were only the finest particles, why / might
not sink a shaft down to the gold within me, and work that
mine. There is a Ballarat, a Bendigo for you, what though
it were a sulky-gully? At any rate, I might pursue some
path, however solitary and narrow and crooked, in which I
could walk with love and reverence. Wherever a man sepa-
rates from the multitude, and goes his own way in this mood,
there indeed is a fork in the road, though ordinary travelers
may see only a gap in the paling. His solitary path across-lots
will turn out the higher way of the two.

Men rush to California and Australia as if the true gold
were to be found in that direction; but that is to go to the very
opposite extreme to where it lies. They go prospecting farther
and farther away from the true lead, and are most unfortu-
nate when they think themselves most successful. Is not our


native soil auriferous? Does not a stream from the golden
mountains flow through our native valley? and has not this
for more than geologic ages been bringing down the shining
particles and forming the nuggets for us? Yet, strange to tell,
if a digger steal away, prospecting for this true gold, into the
unexplored solitudes around us, there is no danger that any
will dog Lis steps, and endeavor to supplant him. He may
claim and undermine the whole valley even, both the culti-
vated and the uncultivated portions, his whole life long in
peace, for no one will ever dispute his claim. They will not
mind his cradles or his toms. He is not confined to a claim
twelve feet square, as at Ballarat, but may mine anywhere,
and wash the whole wide world in his torn.

Howitt says of the man who found the great nugget which
weighed twenty-eight pounds, at the Bendigo diggings in Aus-
tralia: "He soon began to drink; got a horse, and rode all
about, generally at full gallop, and, when he met people,
called out to inquire if they knew who he was, and then
kindly informed them that he was 'the bloody wretch that
had found the nugget. 7 At last he rode full speed against a
tree, and nearly knocked his brains out." I think, however,
there was no danger of that, for he had already knocked his
brains out against the nugget. Howitt adds, "He is a hope-
lessly ruined man." But he is a type of the class. They are
all fast men. Hear some of the names of the places where they
dig: "Jackass Flat," "Sheep's-Head Gully," "Murderer's
Bar," etc. Is there no satire in these names? Let them carry
their ill-gotten wealth where they will, I am thinking it will
still be "Jackass Flat," if not "Murderer's Bar," where they

The last resource of our energy has been the robbing of
graveyards on the Isthmus of Darien, an enterprise which ap-
pears to be but in its infancy; for, according to late accounts,
an act has passed its second reading in the legislature of New
Granada, regulating this kind of mining; and a correspond-
ent of the Tribune writes: "In the dry season, when the


weather will permit of the country being properly prospected,
no doubt other rich guacas [that is, graveyards] will be
found." To emigrants he says: "Do not come before Decem-
ber; take the Isthmus route in preference to the Boca del
Toro one ; bring no useless baggage, and do not cumber your-
self with a tent; but a good pair of blankets will be neces-
sary; a pick, shovel, and axe of good material will be almost
all that is required:" advice which might have been taken
from the "Burker's Guide." And he concludes with this line
in Italics and small capitals: "// you are doing well at home,
STAY THERE," which may fairly be interpreted to mean, "If
you are getting a good living by robbing graveyards at home,
stay there."

But why go to California for a text? She is the child of New
England, bred at her own school and church.

It is remarkable that among all the preachers there are so
few moral teachers. The prophets are employed in excusing
the ways of men. Most reverend seniors, the Uluminati of the
age, tell me, with a gracious, reminiscent smile, betwixt an
aspiration and a shudder, not to be too tender about these
things, to lump all that, that is, make a lump of gold of it.
The highest advice I have heard on these subjects was grovel-
ing. The burden of it was, It is not worth your while to
undertake to reform the world in this particular. Do not ask
how your bread is buttered ; it will make you sick, if you do,
and the like. A man had better starve at once than lose his
innocence in the process of getting his bread. If within the
sophisticated man there is not an unsophisticated one, then
he is but one of the Devil's angels. As we grow old, we live
more coarsely, we relax a little in our disciplines, and, to some
extent, cease to obey our finest instincts. But we should be
fastidious to the extreme of sanity, disregarding the gibes of
those who are more unfortunate than ourselves.

In our science and philosophy, even, there is commonly no
true and absolute account of things. The spirit of sect and
bigotry has planted its hoof amid the stars. You have only


to discuss the problem, whether the stars are inhabited or
not, in order to discover it. Why must we daub the heavens
as well as the earth? It was an unfortunate discovery that
Dr. Kane was a Mason, and that Sir John Franklin was an-
oiher. But it was a more cruel suggestion that possibly that
was the reason why the former went in search of the latter.
There is not a popular magazine in this country that would
dare to print a child's thought on important subjects without
comment. It must be submitted to the D. D.'s. I would it
were the chicka-dee-dees.

You come from attending the funeral of mankind to at-
tend to a natural phenomenon. A little thought is sexton to
all the world.

I hardly know an intellectual man, even, who is so broad
and truly liberal that you can think aloud in his society. Most
with whom you endeavor to talk boon come to a stand against
some institution in which they appear to hold stock, that is,
some particular, not unVersal, way of viewing things. They
will continually thrust their own low roof, with its narrow
skylight, between you and the sky, when it is the unob-
structed heavens you would view. Get out of the way with
your cobwebs, wash your windows, I say! In some lyceums
they tell me that they have voted to exclude the subject of
religion. But how do I know what their religion is, and v/hen
[ am near to or far from it? I have walked into such an arena
and done my best to make a clean breast of what religion I
have experienced, and the audience never suspected what I
was about. The lecture was as harmless as moonshine to them.
Whereas, if I had read to them the biography of the greatest
scamps in history, they might have thought that I had written
the lives of the deacons of their church. Ordinarily, the in-
quiry is, Where did you come from? or, Where are you going?
That was a more pertinent question which I overheard one of
my auditors put to another once, "What does he lecture
for?" It made me quake in my shoes.

To speak impartially, the best men that I know are not

serene, a world in themselves. For the most part, they dwell
in forms, and flatter and study effect only more finely than the
rest. We select granite for the underpinning of our houses and
barns ; we build fences of stone ; but we do not ourselves rest
on an underpinning of granitic truth, the lowest primitive
rock. Our sills are rotten. What stuff is the man made of
who is not coexistent in our thought with the purest and sub-
tilest truth? I often accuse my finest acquaintances of an
immense frivolity; for, while there are manners and compli-
ments we do not meet, we do not teach one another the lessons
of honesty and sincerity that the brutes do, or of steadiness
and solidity that the rocks do. The fault is commonly mutual,
however ; for we do not habitually demand any more of each

That excitement about Kossuth, consider how character-
istic, but superficial, it was! only another kind of politics
or dancing. Men were making speeches to him all over the
country, but each expressed only the thought, or the want of
thought, of the multitude. No man stood on truth. They were
merely banded together, as usual one leaning on another, and
all together on nothing; as the Hindoos made the world rest
on an elephant, the elephant on a tortoise, and the tortoise
on a serpent, and had nothing to put under the serpent.
For all fruit of that stir we have the Kossuth hat.

Just so hollow and ineffectual, for the most part, is our
ordinary conversation. Surface meets surface. When our life
ceases to be inward and private, conversation degenerates
into mere gossip. We rarely meet a man who can tell us any
news which he has not read in a newspaper, or been told by
his neighbor ; and, for the most part, the only difference be-
tween us and our fellow is that he has seen the newspapei \
or been out to tea, and we have not. In proportion as our
inward life fails, we go more constantly and desperately to
the post-office. You may depend on it, that the poor fellow
who walks away with the greatest number of letters proud


of his extensive correspondence has not heard from himself
this long while.

I do not know but it is too much to read one newspaper
a week. I have tried it recently, and for so long it seems to me
that I have not dwelt in my native region. The sun, the
clouds, the snow, the trees say not so much to me. You can-
not serve two masters. It requires more than a day's devo-
tion to know and to possess the wealth of a day.

We may well be ashamed to tell what things we have read
or heard in our day. I do not know why my news should be
so trivial, considering what one's dreams and expectations
are, why the developments should be so paltry. The news we
hear, for the most part, is not news to our genius. It is the
stalest repetition. You are often tempted to ask why such
stress is laid on a particular experience which you have had,
that, after twenty-five years, you should meet Hobbins,
Registrar of Deeds, again on the sidewalk. Have you not
budged an inch, then? Such is the daily news. Its facts ap-
pear to float in the atmosphere, insignificant as the sporules
of fungi, and impinge on some neglected thallus, or surface
of our minds, which affords a basis for them, and hence a
parasitic growth. We should wash ourselves clean of such
news. Of what consequence, though our planet explode, if
there is no character involved in the explosion? In health we
have not the least curiosity about such events. We do not
live for idle amusement. I would not run round a corner to
see the world blow up.

All summer, and far into the autumn, perchance, you un-
consciously went by the newspapers and the news, and now
you find it was because the morning and the evening were
full of news to you. Your walks were full of incidents. You
attended, not to the affairs of Europe, but to your own af-
fairs in Massachusetts fields. If you chance to live and move
and have your being in that thin stratum in which the events
that make the news transpire, thinner than the paper on
which it is printed, then these things will fill the world for


you ; but if you soar about or dive below that plane, you can-
not remember nor be reminded of them. Really to see the
sun rise or go down every day, so to relate ourselves to a uni-
versal fact, would preserve us sane forever. Nations! What
are nations? Tartars, and Huns, and Chinamen! Like in-
sects, they swarm. The historian strives in vain to make them
memorable. It is for want of a man that there are so manj
men. It is individuals that populate the world. Any man
thinking may say with the Spirit of Lodin,

"I look down from my height on nations,
And they become ashes before me;
Calm is my dwelling in the clouds;
Pleasant are the great fields of my rest."

Pray, let us live without being drawn by dogs, Esquimaux-
fashion, tearing over hill and dale, and biting each other's

Not without a slight shudder at the danger, I often per-
ceive how near I had come to admitting into my mind the de-
tails of some trivial affair, the news of the street; and I am
astonished to observe how willing men are to lumber their
minds with such rubbish, to permit idle rumors and inci-
dents of the most insignificant kind to intrude on ground
which should be sacred to thought. Shall the mind be a public
arena, where the affairs of the street and the gossip of the
tea-table chiefly are discussed? Or shall it be a quarter of
heaven itself, an hypaethral temple, consecrated to the serv-
ice of the gods? I find it so difficult to dispose of the few fact?
which to me are significant, that I hesitate to burden my at-
tention with those which are insignificant, which only a divine
mind could illustrate. Such is, for the most part, the news
in newspapers and conversation. It is important to preserve
the mind's chastity in this respect. Think of admitting the
details of a single case of the criminal court into our thoughts,
to stalk profanely through their very sanctum sanctorum for


an hour, ay, for many hours! to make a very bar-room of the
mind's inmost apartment, as if for so long the dust of the
street had occupied us, the very street itself, with all its
travel, its bustle, and filth, had passed through our thoughts*
shrine! Would it not be an intellectual and moral suicide?
When I have been compelled to sit spectator and auditor in
a court room for some hours, and have seen my neighbors,
who were not compelled, stealing in from time to time, and
tiptoeing about with washed hands and faces, it has appeared
to my mind's eye, that, when they took off their hats, their
ears suddenly expanded into vast hoppers for sound, between
which even their narrow heads were crowded. Like the vanes
of windmills, they caught the broad but shallow stream of
sound, which, after a few titillating gyrations in their coggy
brains, passed out the other side. I wondered if. when they
got home, they were as careful to wash their ears as before
their hands and faces. It has seemed to me, at such a time,
lhat the auditors and the witnesses, the jury and the counsel,
the judge and the criminal at the bar, if I may presume him
guilty before he is convicted, were all equally criminal, and
a thunderbolt might be expected to descend and consume
them all together.

By all kinds of traps and signboards, threatening the ex-
treme penalty of the divine law, exclude such trespassers from
the only ground which can be sacred to you. It is so hard to
forget what it is worse than useless to remember ! If I am to
be a thoroughfare, I prefer that it be of the mountain-brooks,
the Parnassian streams, and not the town-sewers. There is
inspiration, that gossip which comes to the ear of the atten-
tive mind from the courts of heaven. There is the profane
and stale revelation of the bar-room and the police court.
The same ear is fitted to receive both communications. Only
the character of the hearer determines to which it shall be
open, and to which closed. I believe that the mind can be per-
manently profaned by the habit of attending to trivial things,
so that all our thoughts shall be tinged with triviality. Our

very intellect shall be macadamized, as it were, its founda-
tion broken into fragments for the wheels of travel to roll
over; and if you would know what will make the most durable
pavement, surpassing rolled stones, spruce blocks, and asphal-
tum, you have only to look into some of our minds which have
been subjected to this treatment so long.

If we have thus desecrated ourselves, as who has not?
the remedy will be wariness and devotion to reconsecrate
ourselves, and make once more a fane of the mind. We should
treat our minds, that is, ourselves, as innocent and ingenuous
children, whose guardians we are, and be careful what objects
and what subjects we thrust on their attention. Read not the
Times. Read the Eternities. Conventionalities are at length
as bad as impurities. Even the facts of science may dust the
mind by their dryness, unless they are in a sense effaced each
morning, or rather rendered fertile by the dews of fresh and
living truth. Knowledge does not come to us by details, but
in flashes of light from heaven. Yes, every thought that passes
through the mind helps to wear and tear it, and to deepen the
ruts, which, as in the streets of Pompeii, evince how much
it has been used. How many things there are concerning which
we might well deliberate whether we had better know them,
had better let their peddling-carts be driven, even at the
slowest trot or walk, over that bridge of glorious span by
which we trust to pass at last from the farthest brink of time
to the nearest shore of eternity! Have we no culture, no refine-
ment, but skill only to live coarsely and serve the Devil?
to acquire a little worldly wealth, or fame, or liberty, and
make a false show with it, as if we were all husk and shell,
with no tender and living kernel to us? Shall our institutions
be like those chestnut-burs which contain abortive nuts, per-
fect only to prick the fingers?

America is said to be the arena on which the battle of free-
dom is to be fought; but surely it cannot be freedom in a
merely political sense that is meant. Even if we grant that
the American has freed himself from a political tyrant, hf

is still the slave of an economical and moral tyrant. Now
that the republic the res-publica has been settled, it is time
to look after res-privata, the private state, to see, as the
Roman senate charged its consuls, "ne quid m-PRiVATA
detriment* caperet" that the private state receive no detri-

Do we call this the land of the free? What is it to be free
from King George and continue the slaves of King Preju-
dice? What is it to be born free and not to live free? What
is the value of any political freedom, but as a means to moral
freedom? Is it a freedom to be slaves, or a freedom to be free,
of which we boast? We are a nation of politicians, concerned
about the outmost defenses only of freedom. It is our chil-
dren's children who may perchance be really free. We tax
ourselves unjustly. There is a part of us which is not repre-
sented. It is taxation without representation. We quarter
troops, we quarter fools and cattle of all sorts upon ourselves.
We quarter our gross bodies on our poor souls, till the former
eat up all the latter's substance.

With respect to a true culture and manhood, we are essen-
tially provincial still, not metropolitan, mere Jonathans.
We are provincial, because we do not find at home our stand-
ards; because we do not worship truth, but the reflection
of truth ; because we are warped and narrowed by an exclu-
sive devotion to trade and commerce and manufactures and
agriculture and the like, which are but means, and not the

So is the English Parliament provincial. Mere country-
bumpkins, they betray themselves, when any more impor-
tant question arises for them to settle, the Irish question, for
instance, the English question why did I not say? Their
natures are subdued to what they work in. Their "good breed-
ing" respects only secondary objects. The finest manners in
the world are awkwardness and fatuity when contrasted with
a finer intelligence. They appear but as the fashions of past
days, mere courtliness, knee-buckles and small-clothes, out


of date. It is the vice, but not the excellence of manners, that
they are continually being deserted by the character ; they are
cast-off clothes or shells, claiming the respect which belonged
to the living creature. You are presented with the shells in-
stead of the meat, and it is no excuse generally, that, in the
case of some fishes, the shells are of more worth than the
meat. The man who thrusts his manners upon me does as if
he were to insist on introducing me to his cabinet of curiosi-
ties, when I wished to see himself. It was not in this sense that
the poet Decker called Christ "the first true gentleman that
ever breathed." I repeat that in this sense the most splendid
court in Christendom is provincial, having authority to con-
sult about Transalpine interests only, and not the affairs of
Rome. A praetor or proconsul would suffice to settle the ques-
tions which absorb the attention of the English Parliament
and the American Congress.

Government and legislation: these I thought were respect-
able professions. We have heard of heaven-born Numas,
Lycurguses, and Solons, in the history of the world, whose
names at least may stand for ideal legislators; but think of
legislating to regulate the breeding of slaves, or the exporta-
tion of tobacco ! What have divine legislators to do with the
exportation or the importation of tobacco? what humane ones
with the breeding of slaves? Suppose you were to submit the
question to any son of God, and has He no children in the
nineteenth century? is it a family which is extinct? in what
condition would you get it again? What shall a State like
Virginia say for itself at the last day, in which these have
been the principal, the staple productions? What ground is
there for patriotism in such a State? I derive my facts from
statistical tables which the States themselves have published.

A commerce that whitens every sea in quest of nuts and
raisins, and makes slaves of its sailors for this purpose 1 I saw,
the other day, a vessel which had been wrecked, and many
lives lost, and her cargo of rags, juniper-berries, and bitter
almonds were strewn along the shore. It seemed hardly worth


the while to tempt the dangers of the sea between Leghorn
and New York for the sake of a cargo of juniper-berries and
bitter almonds. America sending to the Old World for her
bitters! Is not the sea-brine, is not shipwreck, bitter enough
to make the cup of life go down here? Yet such, to a great ex-
tent, is our boasted commerce; and there are those who style
themselves statesmen and philosophers who are so blind as to
think that progress and civilization depend on precisely this
kind of interchange and activity, the activity of flies about
a molasses-hogshead. Very well, observes one, if men were
oysters. And very well, answer I, if men were mosquitoes.

Lieutenant Herndon, whom our Government sent to ex-
plore the Amazon, and, it is said, to extend the area of slav-
ery, observed that there was wanting there "an industrious
and active population, who know what the comforts of life
are, and who have artificial wants to draw out the great re-
sources of the country." But what are the "artificial wants"
to be encouraged? Not the love of luxuries, like the tobacco
and slaves of, I believe, his native Virginia, nor the ice and
granite and other material wealth of our native New Eng-
land; nor are "the great resources of a country' 7 that fertility
or barrenness of soil which produces these. The chief want, in
every State that I have been into, was a high and earnest pur-
pose in its inhabitants. This alone draws out "the great re-
sources" of Nature, and at last taxes her beyond her re-
sources; for man naturally dies out of her. When we want
culture more than potatoes, and illumination more than
sugar-plums, then the great resources of a world are taxed
and drawn out, and the result, or staple production, is, not
slaves, nor operatives, but men, those rare fruits called
heroes, saints, poets, philosophers, and redeemers.

In short, as a snow-drift is formed where there is a lull in
the wind, so, one would say, where there is a lull of truth, an
institution springs up. But the truth blows right on over it,
nevertheless, and at length blows it down.

What is called politics is comparatively something so super-


fidal and inhuman, that practically I have never fairly recog-
nized that it concerns me at all. The newspapers, I perceive,
devote some of their columns specially to politics or govern-
ment without charge; and this, one would say, is all that
saves it ; but as I love literature and to some extent the truth
also, I never read those columns at any rate. I do not wish
to blunt my sense of right so much. I have not got to answer
for having read a single President's Message. A strange age
of the world this, when empires, kingdoms, and republics
come a-begging to a private man's door, and utter their com-
plaints at his elbow! I cannot take up a newspaper but 1
find that some wretched government or other, hard pushed,
and on its last legs, is interceding with me, the reader, to vote
for it, more importunate than an Italian beggar; and if 1
have a mind to look at its certificate, made, perchance, by
some benevolent merchant's clerk, or the skipper that brought
it over, for it cannot speak a word of English itself, I shall
probably read of the eruption of some Vesuvius, or the over-
flowing of some Po, true or forged, which brought it into this
condition. I do not hesitate, in such a case, to suggest work>
or the almshouse; or why not keep its castle in silence, as J
do commonly? The poor President, what with preserving his
popularity and doing his duty, is completely bewildered. The
newspapers are the ruling power. Any other government is
reduced to a few marines at Fort Independence. If a man neg-
lects to read the Daily Times, government will go down on
its knees to him, for this is the only treason in these days.

Those things which now most engage the attention of men v
as politics and the daily routine, are, it is true, vital functions
of human society, but should be unconsciously performed,
like the corresponding functions of the physical body. They
are infra-human, a kind of vegetation. I sometimes awake
to a half-consciousness of them going on about me, as a man
may become conscious of some of the processes of digestion
in a morbid state, and so have the dyspepsia, as it is called.
It is as if a thinker submitted himself to be rasped by the


great gizzard of creation. Politics is, as it were, the gizzard
of society, full of grit and gravel, and the two political parties
are its two opposite halves, sometimes split into quarters,
it may be, which grind on each other. Not only individuals,
but states, have thus a confirmed dyspepsia, which expresses
itself, you can imagine by what sort of eloquence. Thus our
life is not altogether a forgetting, but also, alas! to a great ex-
tent, a remembering, of that which we should never have
been conscious of, certainly not in our waking hours. Why
should we not meet, not always as dyspeptics, to tell our bad
dreams, but sometimes as ewpeptics, to congratulate each
other on the ever-glorious morning? I do not make an exorbi-
tant demand, surely.

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